Permanent Banned List
All cards banned in Vintage (All cards in your deck must be legal in Vintage, meaning you cannot include silver bordered cards, unreleased cards, etc.)
Cards that prevent or significantly encumber “automatic playing”
As a reminder you are not allowed to use dungeons (you may run cards that reference these objects, but they will not be able to bring them into the game).
Adjustable Banned List
In order to keep the format fresh and healthy at all times, community members are able to vote which cards they would like to see banned/not banned on a month basis. Supporters on Patreon are able to vote on card unbannings. Frequent bans and unbans are expected in the format and help make sure every month of the Main Event Tournament offers a truly unique experience to participants. Visit the Participate tab to participate in any ongoing votes.
Newly Added:🌱
Upcoming Patron Unban Vote:🌺
Recently Unbanned